M31 Andromeda Galaxy (& M32 + M110)

M31 Andromeda Galaxy (& M32 + M110)

Alternative Name: Andromeda Galaxy


Barred spiral galaxy, distance ~ 2.5 MLy (nearest galaxy to our galaxy), visual brightness: 3.4 mag. Our galaxy and the Andromeda galaxy are expected to collide in around 4–5 billion years, merging to potentially form a giant elliptical galaxy or a large lenticular galaxy. M 110: dwarf elliptical galaxy (satellite of M31). M 32: early type dwarf galaxy (satellite of M31).

Date: September 23-th, 2023 / Moon: 63% (+)


Stellina 80/400, 1257x10s (3h 30min), stacked: Stellina (mosaic mode), postproc.: TOPAZ denoise + Affinity Photo + FITSwork



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