Supernova 2023ixf in M101

Supernova 2023ixf in M101


Supernova (SN) Type II (in M101 host galaxy) results from the rapid collapse and violent explosion of a massive star. A star must have at least x8, but no more than x40 to x50, the mass of the Sun to undergo this type of explosion. Type II SN are distinguished from other types of SN by the presence of hydrogen in their spectra (indicated by the vertical lines in the spectrum, left-bottom)

Inset top-left:

The light-curve of the supernova shows a rapid increase of the brightness within a few days 

Date: June 1-st, 2023 / Moon: 94% (+)

Distance (M101) ~ 21 MLy

Visual Brightness (SN) ~ 11 mag (@June 1-st, 2023)


Stellina 80/400, 2000x10s (5h 33min), darks, stacked: APP, postproc.: TOPAZ denoise, FITSwork, Affinity Photo


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